Workshop on
Prevention of Addictions and Risky Behaviours

Promote "Respect and Care for the Human Body" to young people and adults, with awareness campaigns that allow the dissemination of the reality of the effects of the different elements that cause vices in human psychology, such as alcohol, psychoactive substances, tobacco, among others no less important.


Adriel Cáceres

International Promoter

7 years of experience

Watch video introduction to this workshop

of this workshop

This workshop delivers in a practical and simple way a series of tools that the person himself can apply to overcome vices, harmful habits, complexes, beliefs, frustrations and other known issues.

of the subject

These information workshops on drug dependence are aimed at young people and adults, re-educating them about their beliefs and establishing new values and human skills in favour of life.

"One has many friends, but there is only one Conscience; we must not compromise our Conscience with every person who is close to us".

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Let's make a difference together!


We are volunteers

We are driven by the love of life and encourage young people to participate positively in the love of life in its different manifestations.


Extensive catalogue

We have 10 workshops available with the main objective of promoting a culture of love and respect for life that is expressed in individual and collective behaviour.


International provision

It is a Civil Association currently working efficiently in seventeen (17) countries around the world.


Ad Honorem

Our educational services are provided on a voluntary basis "ad honorem" to communities, educational institutions, governmental bodies, public and private companies, among others...

We have
Volunteers Available

Asociación Protectora a la Vida

