National Competition
of Photography

"Emotions in the Animal World

To raise awareness of the different emotions that we can
observed in wildlife and domestic fauna, generating
awareness, environmental sensitivity and greater respect
towards animals.

Asoprovida - Asociación Protectora a la Vida (Association for the Protection of Life)


ASOPROVIDA promotes and participates in reforestation campaigns,
recycling, ecological walks, cleaning of rivers, watersheds, etc.
and natural areas, animal protection, organisation of networks,
conferences, exhibitions and environmental forums.

Experiences and Activities Blog

Find out about the latest green news and events, environmental meetings, natural disasters, awareness days and other events from around the world. Learn why to fight back and how you can help protect life on our planet.


Would you like to help save our planet?
Help us defend the habitat of thousands of endangered plant and animal species.
- Find out how we can make a difference -
Become part of Asoprovida - Asociación Protectora a la Vida.


Integral Education

Education that develops intellectual, emotional, social, physical and ethical dimensions.


Preventive Health

To prevent diseases or to diminish their effects. Aim to improve quality of life and well-being. 



A set of practices aiming at sustainable farming systems. Ecological principles and use of local resources.

What is Asoprovida?

It is a cultural and environmental institution that promotes integral human development in harmony with nature.

Asoprovida is a network of NGOs registered in different countries as non-profit associations or foundations.


The fundamental objective of ASOPROVIDA is to promote a culture of love and respect for life that is expressed in individual and collective behaviour, without distinction of race, creed, gender, social or political condition; considering all living beings as members of one big family.


Home Vegetable Gardens

Learn how to make a vegetable garden at home


Food Security

Find out how we can ensure food for all mankind.


Planetary Culture

Become aware of the planet as a living being


Personal Growth

You are your greatest treasure, invest in yourself.


Human Sexuality

Promote a Culture of Respect and Care for life, starting with the "Own".


Healthy Eating

A very nourishing course to learn how to eat better


The Teacher, an Ecosocial Being

Are you a teacher? Find out how you can help future generations

asoprovida - Recycling Reuse and Reduction of Materials 1

Recycling, Reuse and Reduction of Materials

Basic course on how to make use of all waste from your home or workplace


Prevention of Addictions and Risky Behaviours

Learn how to win the fight against one of the worst evils of humanity today.

asoprovida - transgenics 2

Raising Awareness about GM Foods

Knows how to recognise a GM food and understands why it is harmful to our body


The fundamental objective of Asoprovida is to promote a culture of love and respect for life that is expressed in individual and collective behaviour, without distinction of race, creed, gender, social or political condition; considering all living beings as members of one big family.

Asociación Protectora a la Vida

