Asoprovida International is an international Cultural and Environmental Organization that promotes the "I Care for Life in all its expressions, promoting sustainable integral human development. It makes no distinction of Race, Religion or Politics as its mission is based on the universal values of Life and Love. Asoprovida is made up of a network of NGOs registered in different countries as non-profit associations or foundations. seventeen (17) countries in the world.
It has a multidisciplinary volunteer team of advisors, made up of engineers, educators, agronomists, ecologists, doctors, sociologists and above all good-hearted people driven by a duty of conscience to promote the rescue of human and environmental values in our society. Trained integrally in highly "practical" educational workshops that are easy to understand and learn.
Asoprovida as an organization and staff in continuous growth, offers its educational services on a voluntary basis "ad honorem" to: Communities, Educational Establishments, Governmental Entities, Public and Private Companies, among others....
"The natural world is the largest sacred community to which we belong. To harm this community is to diminish our own humanity." - Thomas Berry

The fundamental objective of ASOPROVIDA is promoting a culture of love and respect towards life that is expressed in individual and collective behaviour, without distinction of race, creed, gender, social or political status; considering all living beings as members of one big family.
- Promote the "Caring for Natural Resources in all its expressions through sustainable integral human development and creating links between individuals or groups.
- Raise awareness to the child, youth and adult population for the integral development of Human Values through workshops, forums, conferences, open dialogues, among others.
- To make humanity aware of a behavioural change through the formation of Human Values.
- To prepare the population at national and international level as volunteer promoters in programmes to raise awareness of oneself and of nature.
- Promote healthy recreational programmes, among others: Ecotourism, Hiking, Ecological Parks and Reforestation Plans.
- Promote in the communities Recycling Programmes for inorganic solid waste and Composting of organic waste.
- Encourage the population to take care of, prevent and protect their health by steering them away from psychoactive substances, alcoholism, smoking, among others.
- Promote the AgroecologyOrganic farming and home gardens.
- Promote the creation of Training Centres, Health and First Aid Social Assistance, Integral Health Centres, as well as Rescue and Life Saving Centres among the population.
"Seeking the good of our fellow men, we find our own"...
"There is no man so cowardly whom love does not make brave and transform into a hero..."...
"Poverty does not come from the decrease of riches, but from the multiplication of desires"...
PLATO (Greece, 4th century BC)

Asoprovida's mission is to "To train committed, responsible people, capable of producing a personal transformation and becoming agents of change in their environmental and social environment".
"Our reward is in the effort and not in the result. A total effort is a complete victory".
(Mahatma Gandhi).

We are motivated to be a worthy example of a voluntary Institution promoting a "Planetary Culture" to Raise Humanity's Awareness in the need to find harmony and integration with nature through a change of behaviour and thinking. This philosophy of caring for life is based on the universal values and principles of love, without distinction of race, religion or politics, considering that all members of the race are brothers and sisters and children of one family.
"Even if I knew the world was going to end tomorrow, I would plant a tree today".
(Martin Luther King)
"It is an immense sadness to think that Nature speaks while mankind does not listen".
(Victor Hugo)
Comprehensive Training Centres (C.F.I.)

The C.F.I. are natural spaces dedicated to the development and integral formation of mankind in all its expressions (social, environmental, psychological) based on the universal principles and values of love, through coexistence and practice. Becoming real centres at the service of society, created by ASOPROVIDA, to be epicentres or international training centres at the service of companies, communities, universities and other public or private institutions in the world.
"An implementation of Planetary Culture".