Workshop - Honduras

Food Security, Health, Life and Wellbeing Workshop Our main objective is to provide practical knowledge on the importance of food security in the promotion of health and wellbeing. - Identifying how GMOs come to harm our physical body. Selecting organic foods. - Identify what type of food we should eat to promote health and ... Read more

Seed Festival 2024 - Honduras

1st Seed Festival First Seed Festival In our first Seed Festival, we address the importance of seeds and the impacts of GMOs on our agriculture and health. In this awareness-raising day, we explore the value of preserving our native seeds and promote sustainable agricultural practices that protect our natural resources and our health and ... Read more

Asoprovida's work in Honduras

EL TRABAJO DE ASOPROVIDA EN HONDURAS Mostramos este video presentación de la Academia de Agrcultura Paraje Atenea de la Montaña, sede Oficial de la Asoprovida para Honduras. Asoprovida es una organización sin fines de lucros, un movimiento cultural y ambiental internacional que fomenta el cuidado de la vida en todas esas expresiones. Surge de … Read more
