Ecotravesía - Pereira

Ecotravesía - Pereira Pereira, Risaralda also had the presence of the Ecotravesía on its way to COP16 (Cali, colombia) The day concluded with all attendees leaving a sense of achievement, knowing that the soil has been nurtured and prepared to give life. Thank you, to: Henry Sanchez pardo, promoters of asoprovida de risaralda, to the defence ... Read more

Ecotravesía - Manizales Caldas

Ecotravesía - Manizales Caldas Summary of our activity in the city of ManizalesCampaña Nacional Ecotravesía rumbo a la COP16 (Cali, colombia)Planting trees is to restore harmony between humanity and nature, and a step towards a more balanced and healthy planet. One million trees to plant, one million trees for humanity!🫱🏻‍🫲🏻Amar and ... Read more

Sembraton Medellin Antioquia Colombia

Ecotravesía - Medellín "The tree planting activity turned out to be a great success. Thanks to everyone's participation, we managed to reforest the forest of heroes Medellín, Antioquia with 200,000 trees. This initiative not only contributes to the recovery of local ecosystems, but also fosters greater environmental awareness throughout the community. "Thanks ... Read more


ECOTRAVESIA – BARRANQUILLA ¡Colombia brilla en la #COP16! Nuestra rica biodiversidad es un tesoro mundial.Protejamos nuestros ecosistemas y celebremos la vida en todas sus formas. En esta oportunidad tuvimos el privilegio de estar en el jardin botanico de barranquillaAmar y respetar la vida es responsabilidad de todosSuscríbete gratis aquí  ¡Aire puro para la humanidad, Salud … Read more
