Caring for Water Campaign - Asoprovida in Uruguay

This is a message from us, a message from Asoprovida - Asociación Protectora de la vida. It talks about the importance of water conservation on the planet. Water is essential for the future of humanity and the planet. There are more than 8 billion people and more than 250,000 known marine species living on Earth, as well as many other terrestrial and plant species that depend on it. Despite its importance, water is wasted in some places and freshwater pollution is a significant public health problem in others. Air pollution and deforestation also affect water quality, creating a global environmental crisis. The organisation calls for minimising water pollution, avoiding the use of toxic chemicals near water sources and teaching children the importance of recycling. Water conservation is a sacred task for each of us.

Today we call on all humans to conserve the elixir of life: water. Water is essential to all living things and is the element that integrates and unites all aspects of life. It is present in all biological processes and is responsible for the cohesion and existence of matter. Despite its importance, it is worrying that humans do not understand the strength and power of water. It is the key element in the beauty of nature and all its creations, from mountains to rivers to waterfalls. Water has no colour, taste or smell, but it gives life to all tastes, colours and fragrances. It is a magical and fundamental element that should be on the agendas of international organisations, governments, institutions and congresses. The sixth goal of the UN Sustainable Development Goals is dedicated to water conservation, protection and universal access to safe drinking water and sanitation. Access to water is a right to life recognised by the UN. On this World Water Day, let us be responsible for the conservation of water, which is the sustenance of all life.
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