Navicat and Navidog - Ecuador

NaviCat and NaviDog- Guayaquil Ecuador Sixth consecutive year of Navicat Navidog! In Guayaquil, more than 50 puppies and 70 rescued kittens are waiting for your grain of sand. Thanks to this incredible event, we continue to promote help and hope for our four-legged friends. Every contribution, no matter how small, means food, shelter and care ... Read more

Pet Feeding Day - venezuela

Jornada Alimentación de Mascotas | Venezuela Feeding stray animals is a way of showing that we are doing our bit for those in need. A plate of food may seem like a simple gesture but for them it can make their day. Our volunteers from Asoprovida in Maracay, Aragua State, carried out a feeding campaign for stray ... Read more

Workshop - Honduras

Food Security, Health, Life and Wellbeing Workshop Our main objective is to provide practical knowledge on the importance of food security in the promotion of health and wellbeing. - Identifying how GMOs come to harm our physical body. Selecting organic foods. - Identify what type of food we should eat to promote health and ... Read more

Seed Festival 2024 - Honduras

1st Seed Festival First Seed Festival In our first Seed Festival, we address the importance of seeds and the impacts of GMOs on our agriculture and health. In this awareness-raising day, we explore the value of preserving our native seeds and promote sustainable agricultural practices that protect our natural resources and our health and ... Read more

Ecotravesía - Pereira

Ecotravesía - Pereira Pereira, Risaralda also had the presence of the Ecotravesía on its way to COP16 (Cali, colombia) The day concluded with all attendees leaving a sense of achievement, knowing that the soil has been nurtured and prepared to give life. Thank you, to: Henry Sanchez pardo, promoters of asoprovida de risaralda, to the defence ... Read more

Ecotravesía - Manizales Caldas

Ecotravesía - Manizales Caldas Summary of our activity in the city of ManizalesCampaña Nacional Ecotravesía rumbo a la COP16 (Cali, colombia)Planting trees is to restore harmony between humanity and nature, and a step towards a more balanced and healthy planet. One million trees to plant, one million trees for humanity!🫱🏻‍🫲🏻Amar and ... Read more

Sembraton Medellin Antioquia Colombia

Ecotravesía - Medellín "The tree planting activity turned out to be a great success. Thanks to everyone's participation, we managed to reforest the forest of heroes Medellín, Antioquia with 200,000 trees. This initiative not only contributes to the recovery of local ecosystems, but also fosters greater environmental awareness throughout the community. "Thanks ... Read more

Ecotravesia - Cartagena

Ecotravesia - Cartagena The COP16 global event aimed to plant 100 🌳trees on October 5th in the city of Cartagena in the company of: 🫱🏻‍🫲🏻Amigos del parque crespo, mayor of Cartagena, EPA Cartagena, verde que te quiero verde, junta de acción crespo, Henry Sánchez Asoprovida and all the citizens ... Read more

Ecotravesia - Monteria

ECOTRAVESIA - MONTERIA Without a doubt the #COP16 has also left its mark in Monteria, inspiring the population to commit to sustainability and care for our planet. We thank Mayor Hugo for the support he gives to his city and Henry for being part of this great national campaign. 🫱🏻‍🫲🏻 Love and respect ... Read more
