Cop16 Medellín5

Ecotravesía - Medellín

🌳"The tree planting activity turned out to be a great success.💪🏻 Thanks to everyone's participation, we managed to reforest the forest of heroes Medellín, Antioquia with 200,000 trees.🌳This initiative not only contributes to the recovery of local ecosystems, but also fosters greater environmental awareness throughout the community".🌎🍃
Thanks to the Mayor's Office and the National Army for allowing us to participate in this noble cause.
Mayor's Office of Medellín
"A tree is a living legacy that transcends generations".🌳
One million trees to plant, one million trees for humanity!🫱🏻‍🫲🏻
Loving and respecting life is everyone's responsibility 🌎🦅
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