Expo Ambiental Cosquín 2011 - Asoprovida in Argentina
Asoprovida was present at the 2011 Cosquín Environmental Expo. Every 27 September is celebrated in Argentina the "National Day of Environmental Awareness", which was established because of the tragedy that occurred in Avellaneda due to a hydrocyanic gas leak in 1993. As a result of this incident, Law 24.605 was passed in 1995, declaring this day to reflect on the constitutional rights and duties related to the environment with the aim of forming communities more aware of the desirability of acting with respect and commitment to the environment, understanding that the damage done to it also affects man and future generations.
Within the framework of this activity and with the vision of bringing together students, teachers, environmental organisations, government representatives and society in general to unite criteria, experiences and efforts in the field of education and environmental care and sustainable development, training committed and responsible people capable of producing a transformation of reality by improving the environment and therefore the quality of life, thus demonstrating that changes are possible, necessary and concrete we present the Environmental Expo Cosquín 2011 seeking to involve the various public and private, provincial and national sectors, and their participation from the scientific-technological, educational, artistic, productive and communicational areas, integrating proposals and visions of the different sectors of society, through dissemination, training, communication and exchange activities.
The main objective The aim of the activity was to create a space for integration, dissemination and awareness of environmental education, conservation practices, organic production and renewable energies in order to contribute to improving the quality of life of the individual and the environment by promoting attitudes of commitment, respect and sensitivity to human action on nature and social coexistence.
The specific objectives were:
- We educate and communicate to the general population about actions that can help to improve the environment and its quality of life, through simple and clear proposals.
- We promote participation and didactic training in environmental awareness in primary and secondary schools.
- We promote positive values and behaviour among schoolchildren towards the natural heritage of the region where they live.
- We provided teachers with tools to improve their environmental education work.
- We invite scientists, researchers, professionals, producers and locally, nationally and internationally recognised personalities with outstanding work in the areas involved to share their knowledge and experiences.
- We encourage the active and creative participation of different actors in the community.
- We promote artistic manifestation as an educational possibility for the self-realisation of man and as a promoter of a message of social and environmental awareness.
- We communicate to society in general the need to have concrete attitudes in our daily actions for the benefit of the environment and sustainable development.
- We disseminate the impacts related to the loss of biodiversity, non-renewable natural resources and the benefits related to their conservation and preservation at local, regional and global levels.
- The integration of target institutions was promoted to strengthen the fulfilment of their objectives.
Who were the recipients of the activity?
- General public
- Teachers, Students and Educators
- Artists
- Media
- Non-Governmental Organisations
- Governmental Organisations
- Companies
- Producers
Event Venue
Congress and Convention Centre of Cosquín
Sarmiento corner Tucumán in Argentina.

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