We show this video presentation of the Academia de Agrcultura Paraje Atenea de la Montaña, the official headquarters of Asoprovida for Honduras. Asoprovida is a non-profit organisation, an international cultural and environmental movement that promotes the care of life in all its expressions.
It arises from the initiative of a group of people who are concerned about environmental and social deterioration. They propose alternatives that lead to its free dissolution. We recognise the immense need not to destroy life, not to pollute the earth, water and air, because this is part of the great matrix in which we live. People who love respect and wisdom are responsible for the fauna and flora not being destroyed.
Among the main objectives are:
- Publicly promote the conservation of all our natural resources that sustain life. In particular the forests, rivers, animals, ecosystems, mountains, hydrographic accounts, with emphasis on the maintenance of biodiversity and the protection of the native flora and fauna of Honduras.
- Carry out educational activities aimed at raising awareness in the community about the protection of life, especially reforestation, river clean-up, care for wildlife, protection of national parks and ecological reserves or equivalent.
Asoprovida carries out specific activities of group integration, conferences, ecological and environmental training workshops to promote the care of life, networking with other environmental groups such as the National Guard, schools, universities, municipalities, etc. Creation of nurseries, public involvement in radio, press and national television, training of teachers in environmental protection, lectures in schools and training of school environmental groups.
Asoprovida, through its instructors and study materials, offers to all types of people a system of environmental education that is fundamental in the integral growth of people, rescuing values that have been lost over the years, and that its notorious absence is demonstrated in the current behaviour of a society that mistreats every day the greatest gift of life, the natural mother, the bosom where we live. If we think for a few moments, by rescuing these lost values, we contribute to a conscious revolution, in favour of the improvement of the environment and consequently of a higher quality of life.
The fundamental objective is to see the world and its environment with a new perspective and sensitivity, contemplating plants and animals as brothers and sisters whom we must protect and care for, having an action of respect and commitment to the environment, promoting the formation of club life guardians, ecological brigades and the awakening of a sense of creativity. This programme develops courses and practical workshops, whose objectives are to raise awareness in the communities about the cultivation of seeds in homemade rooms, under transcendental agriculture and composting techniques, which lead to a population or a healthy diet and as much as possible free of genetically altered products.
This means of education is aimed at young people, adolescents and adults in general, the fundamental objective is to achieve growth as a person, which is reflected in a quality of life in all aspects, developing those values lost by the passage of time, spreading a culture based on the universal principle of voice.
Through different artistic, musical and theatrical groups and conferences, the aim is to prevent and alert the public to the physical, psychological and social consequences of drugs, alcohol and tobacco.
Find out how we can make a difference, become part of Asoprovida - Asociación Protectora a la Vida.

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